
How To Put Items On Sale On Depop

The ultimate guide to finding success on Depop

Every selling journey and shop on Depop is unique in its own way. Only we've seen that the most successful Depop shops often have a few fundamental things in common. With that in mind, nosotros've put together this pace-by-step guide containing everything you need to know to start a successful Depop shop – and become to the top. Read on and become set to take your own shop to the side by side level.

Please note : Whilst nosotros are able to share our acme tips for success on the basis of our experiences and the feedback nosotros get from our sellers, we do not make whatsoever guarantee or representation or accept any liability in relation to the sales or revenues to exist gained as a Depop seller.

Becoming a successful brand on Depop

How to successfully sell on Depop

Selling successfully means making money, great profits, happy customers and more personal growth for you lot and your Depop make. Only the secret of how to be a successful Depop seller lies in setting your shop upwards well, communicating with your customers openly and edifice your own personal brand. Follow the elevation tips below to put your shop on a path to success:

i. Gear up store

The commencement of your successful seller journey on Depop is all about setting things upward correctly to set you on a straight path to the top. The beginning thing you lot'll do is sign up by choosing your unique username and writing your personal bio – run into our detailed bio guide for more than on this topic.

And so start listing items that you desire to sell. You lot might start past clearing out your own closet and listing any unwanted clothes or accessories. Or perchance you can ask family and friends to assist declutter their wardrobes. Listing often and existence consistent in your list is the first step to condign successful on Depop.

ii. Accept good photos

Photos are an essential function of any good Depop shop. You'll need expert photos for all items listed on your shop, and this'll assist your items sell more than quickly. You don't demand special equipment or skills to make your photos corking – but grab your phone and kickoff shooting. Good natural lighting tin make your items expect their all-time. Remember to always shoot in a square format, so your photos are sized for the grid format on Depop.

In one case yous're comfortable with the basics of photography on Depop, you can commencement thinking about playing around with backdrops and other equipment that can make your photos really stand out.

3. Write accurate descriptions

Writing clear, accurate descriptions for your items is really important to help yous successfully sell on Depop. Information technology's your take a chance to tell the globe all about how keen your item is. Start by writing a headline that sums upwards everything a buyer should know about your listing. Make certain to include the near relevant and accurate keywords that someone might search for to find an item like yours.

Then, add in measurements then it's clear how the item will fit. Include details near its fabric, and if the item has whatever flaws be sure to include these, too. Finally, finish your description with whatsoever actress reasons why a heir-apparent should purchase from you – this could exist your shop's policies or shipping info. This manner, shoppers will go all the virtually important info right at the beginning, and can keep reading through your description if they want to find out more.

Taking great photos for Depop success

four. Build your personal brand

Now you've set your Depop shop, it's fourth dimension to start thinking virtually your brand. Having a consequent look for your photos tin assistance your buyers understand what your shop is all near. You can also carry this through to your packaging to make your brand stay in your customer's heed. Make sure y'all offer your customers a memorable and smooth experience, and y'all might find that they keep coming back for more.

5. Use hashtags wisely

Employ hashtags in your item'due south description to increment its visibility on Depop. But be sure to apply only relevant and accurate hashtags for each item – spamming your clarification with irrelevant hashtags can prevent your listing from showing up in search results.

6. Follow people

Connect with other sellers by post-obit their store. This can help you build followers of your own. Information technology's as well a great way to stay up-to-date with what other sellers are doing – another of import step in how to become successful on Depop.

7. Communicate with your community

Once your store is up and running, potential buyers may get in touch with questions before they brand a purchase. It'southward vital to answer them in a reasonable timeframe, since this can help you make sales. Communicating openly with your customers – and being friendly and helpful while yous exercise it – volition keep customers coming back to your Depop store and get you on the path to connected success.

Making a successful Depop shop

viii. Be open and honest

If buyers have questions near the items you have for auction, the all-time fashion forwards is to exist open with them. Let them know about whatever issues with sizing, flaws or details on the detail. This will help them know what to expect when the detail arrives. Transparency is key to helping you earn a expert rating. Plus, provide a good and honest experience for your customers so they want to go along shopping with yous in the future.

9. Add together a personal touch

A lilliputian personality tin can besides go a long mode. Recall most getting some branded packaging – flyers or stickers – to send with your item when it ships. Those extra touches can help cement your Depop store in a customer's mind.

10. Promote and share on social

Looking to get more optics on your Depop shop? Share yours across Instagram and any other social media networks you have. Add your Depop details to your social bios for increased visibility. For Instagram, yous can also use the Depop 'Shop Share' feature. Just go to your contour, click Share Shop and select four photos that best represent your Depop shop. Then tap Post to share these to your Instagram Stories.

Personal touches for Depop success

Get listing at present

Depop success stories

If you lot want to know the secrets of how to be a successful Depop seller, at that place's no magic formula that tin can guarantee success. Simply these acme tips from some of our virtually successful Depop sellers are a smashing source of inspiration. They show you exactly how some of our all-time sellers rose to the top of the platform and should help guide your own personal journey of success.

Delight note: Nosotros asked existent Depop sellers about their experiences of selling on Depop for the specific purpose of including their feedback in this web log. All quotes and testimonials included below were provided in response to that asking. The opinions expressed are the sellers' own and should not be taken equally advice (including legal advice), endorsement or recommendation from Depop.

Alex – aka @cultclassique – is a South London-based Height Seller who joined Depop in 2016. Here, he shares his peak four tips for someone who wants to be successful on Depop:

  1. Bring as much of yourself to your shop as possible. For each item that I sell, I try to limited this past styling full looks that I would wear in the real earth. You lot can exist enlightened of trends, but don't compromise on your ain way – place what yous love and let this make up one's mind what stock to sell. The more personalised to your own taste, the more you should stand out and take a shop and aesthetic that is distinctively yours.

  2. Consistency is a big office of growing your shop and building a strong customer base of operations. I maintain a consequent photo way, which has helped to familiarise people with my shop. I as well aim to list new stock frequently throughout the week – this keeps people engaged and coming back organically to check on what's new in-store, driving more sales and regular customers.

  3. Always be honest and realistic with your pricing. I calculate the price point needed to make a reasonable profit – factoring in original cost, labour, shipping etc. – but I endeavour not to inflate prices above an item'south truthful value. If it fairly reflects the quality of the product, customers are more likely to take a positive feel and then return to purchase from y'all once again.

  4. Rely on more i source for stock. It's rare that you'll observe a Top Seller who doesn't do this – and it's something I wish I had known when I was starting out. For many it'south a example of managing different alternatives and existence proactive with it. Broaden your sights and get creative with where you can learn stock from – with time and experience yous should take a number of sources that work for you lot.

Hannah – aka @handpickedbyhannah – has been on Depop for three years, and a full-time seller for two years. She shares her summit four tips for being a Depop success:

  1. Sell what you dearest. This will go on your shop looking authentic and exciting as your unique style will get recognisable.

  2. Experiment with photography. I'm talking lighting, backdrops, modelled shots, flat lays. Work out exactly what works for you and your brand aesthetic.

  3. Provide good service. Yep, information technology's as unproblematic every bit that. Reply to messages as quickly as possible, and be honest near what y'all're selling. Never underestimate the value of word of rima oris from a happy customer.

  4. Trust your instincts. I wish I'd known this more when I started out. I have absolutely no fashion groundwork and I allow this manifest into cocky-incertitude – the great thing virtually Depop is there's a space for literally everyone and every style.

Whatever your goals are, arming yourself with the correct data can help make certain your Depop shop wins. Build your make through slick photography, great descriptions, absurd packaging and social media sharing – then push button it further by going the actress mile to requite your customers a seamless all-circular feel when they shop with yous. Together, these deportment open up the chances of repeat business and not bad reviews. All these things are essential when it comes to how to sell successfully on Depop, and will articulate the pathway to your ain Depop stardom. Fore more information, check out our meridian tips for selling on Depop.

Delight notation: Whilst we are able to share our top tips for success on the basis of our experiences and the feedback nosotros become from our sellers, we practice not make whatever guarantee or representation or accept whatsoever liability in relation to the sales or revenues to be gained as a Depop seller.


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