
Parsing A String In Java

In the Java linguistic communication, strings are objects that represent a character sequence. Also, string objects are immutable, so they cannot be updated afterward their creation. However, you lot can parse them by dividing the string to get the specific role of the string, which is considered a token.

This weblog will explicate how to parse a string in Coffee. Let'south outset!

Parse a String in Coffee

In Java, there exist three main approaches to parse a string:

  • Parse string by using Java Split() method
  • Parse cord by using Coffee Scanner grade
  • Parse cord by using StringUtils class

We will now discuss each of the above-mentioned approaches in particular.

Method 1: Parse String by Using Java split up() Method

In Java, there is a split() method of the String class that splits the given cord and returns the array of substrings. Information technology keeps the given cord unchanged. Also, the split() method is case-sensitive.

The split() method has 2 variations.

  • split(regular-expression/delimiter)
  • divide(regular-expression/delimiter, limit)

Have a look at the given examples to know more than about the usage of the split() method.

Example 1: Parsing String in Java Using split(regular-expression/delimiter) variant
In this case, we volition use the separate(regular-expression/delimiter) variant of the split up() method. A regular expression is passed as an argument for this method. If the given expression matches the string, information technology will split the string; otherwise, it will print out the whole string.

Hither, nosotros have a string named stg:

Cord stg = "Exercise makes human being perfect!" ;

While using the split() method, you can also use unlike delimiters as a condition, such as any alphabet from cord or special character, and many more. The below-given string will exist split based on the white spaces:

String [ ] spStg = stg.carve up ( " " ) ;

Lastly, for printing the parsed string, apply for loop:

As you can encounter, the split() method has successfully parsed the given string based on the occurrence of the white spaces:

Example two: Parsing String in Coffee Using split up(regular-expression/delimiter, limit) variant
This variant works almost the same as the higher up. Here, we will add the limit with a delimiter, which determines the number of splitting strings co-ordinate to the string length.

For instance, we take a cord named stg:

Cord stg = "Exercise makes man perfect!" ;

Nosotros will apply for loop to split the whole stg string with white space as delimiter and limit as three:

for ( Cord splits:stg.split ( " ",3 ) ) {
System.out.println (splits) ;

The specified string will divide every bit the infinite occurs, and it will return three strings according to the added limit:

Method 2: Parse String by Using Java Scanner Grade

To parse a string, Java Scanner class commonly uses a regular expression or regex. Information technology divides the given cord into tokens by using a useDelimiter() method.

First, we have a string stng that needs to exist parsed:

String stng = "Practice: makes man perfect!" ;

Create an object of the Scanner form and laissez passer the cord stng as a parameter:

Scanner scaner = new Scanner(stng) ;

The delimiter pattern is prepare using the useDelimiter() method of the Scanner class. Here, we volition pass the colon ":" as a delimiter blueprint in the useDelimiter() method:

scaner.useDelimiter ( ":" ) ;

This method splits the cord when it finds a colon. To obtain all of the tokens in the string, utilise the hasNext() method in a while loop and print the result:

while (scaner.hasNext ( ) ) {
Arrangement.out.println ( ( ) ) ;


Method 3: Parse String by Using StringUtils Class

In club to parse a cord using StringUtils class, get-go of all, we will create a maven project rather than a elementary Java project then add dependencies to information technology.

Here, we take specified maven dependency for adding StringUtils library in our XML file:

<groupId> org.apache.commons </groupId>
<artifactId> commons-lang3 </artifactId>
<version> 3.11 </version>

Then, create a Coffee file, and use the StringUtils class to parse the cord stng:

String stng = "Do: makes man perfect!" ;

Nosotros volition use the substringsBetween() method of StringUtils class, specify the stng string and pass ":" and "!" equally delimiters which means that the resultant value will contain the substring that is nowadays in betwixt these two delimiters:

String [ ] stngArray = StringUtils. substringsBetween (stng, ":", "!" ) ;

To print the parsed strings, employ for loop:

The output will brandish the substring between ":" and "!" delimiters:

We accept provided the data related to parsing a cord in Java.


To parse a string in Java, you can utilize the Coffee String split() method, Java Scanner class, or StringUtils class. For parsing a string based on the specified condition, these methods utilise delimiters to split the cord. Nevertheless, the separate() method is majorly utilized as it supports adding delimiter/ regex and the relative limit. This blog explained the methods to parse a string in Java with examples.

Virtually the writer

I completed my master'southward caste in computer science. I am an academic researcher and love to learn and write about new technologies. I am passionate about writing and sharing my experience with the world.

Parsing A String In Java,


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