
How Do You Ride A Llama In Minecraft

A llama is a neutral mob found in windswept hills, savanna plateau, and savanna‌[ Exist only ] biomes. It can be tamed and used to transport big shipments of items.

A trader llama is a special variant that follows wandering traders.

Spawning [ ]

Llamas spawn at low-cal level vii or above. They naturally spawn only above grass blocks in savanna plateau / savanna‌[ BE merely ] biomes in herds of iv llamas and in windswept hills biomes in herds of 4 to half dozen llamas. They come up in four variants of coat colors: brownish, cream, white, gray. Wandering traders always spawn with 2 leashed trader llamas.

10% of llamas spawn as babies.

In Boulder Edition, there is no spawn egg for trader llamas.‌[ until Exist one.19.x] They always spawn when a wandering trader is spawned using a spawn egg or by using the /summon command, although a trader llama can be summoned using /summon llama ~ ~ ~ minecraft:from_wandering_trader.

Drops [ ]

When killed, developed llamas drop:

  • 0-2 leather (upwards to 0-v with Looting 3).
  • Whatsoever equipped carpets and chest .
  • All items in their inventory.
  • 1–3, only if killed by a tamed wolf or the role player.

Upon successful convenance, ane–7 is dropped.

Similar other baby animals, killing a baby llama yields no detail or experience.

Usage [ ]

Leading [ ]

Llamas do not accept saddles, so the player cannot command its movement, even when tamed. Leads are the best way to move llamas. Leading a llama actually signals all other llamas not already in a caravan nearby (up to 9) to follow each other, forming a caravan of up to ten llamas. Leashing a second llama forms a caravan of ten more llamas, and there is no intentional limit on the number of llamas following a actor.

Storage [ ]

GUI of a llama with a chest, with strength iv.

A llama can be equipped with a breast by right clicking a chest on it once tamed, giving it 3, 6, nine, 12, or 15 slots of inventory space, scaling directly with its Force NBT (come across § Data values below). In one case equipped, the chest cannot exist retrieved without killing the llama and can be accessed past shift + right clicking the llama. A llama's potential carry capacity is a number of item slots equal to 3*Forcefulness, with a maximum of xv spaces.

Strength distribution in wild llamas
ane 2 3 4 5
32.viii% 32.8% 32.8% 0.8% 0.8%

Ornament [ ]

All llama carpet patterns.

Llamas can be equipped with carpets in their carpet slot (). Each carpet color shows equally a different patterned carpet on the llama's back. This can be useful for color-coding their storage, similar to dyed shulker boxes.

For the purposes of the /particular command, a llama carries its carpet in the horse.armor slot.

Trader llamas that do not accept a carpet wear a blue rug blueprint. Information technology can be replaced with a carpet but non removed. When given carpets, both types of llama expect the same.

A llama'due south carpeting ornament remains visible when the llama is under the effect of Invisibility.

Behavior [ ]

Spitting [ ]

Llama Spit.png

Hitbox size

Height: 0.25 Blocks
Width: 0.25 Blocks

Network ID

JE: 68

Llamas are neutral, but if a player or mob attacks i, it spits at the attacker once to bargain 1 ♥ damage. Sometimes their spit tin miss their target and hitting another llama, starting a fight within a grouping of llamas. Additionally, a wandering trader'southward llamas spit at mobs or players who attack the wandering trader.

Llamas are hostile toward wolves and spit without provocation, but they don't attack tamed wolves unless provoked. Wolves are fearful of llamas of strength 4 or five and e'er run away, like to zombies and villagers.[1] Wolves abscond from weaker llamas less frequently.

Despite the spitting being a projectile, dying from llama spit still shows the death message "<player> was slain by Trader Llama/Llama."

Trader llamas are hostile toward all zombie variants and illagers,‌[ Java Edition but ] and they defend both themselves and their wandering trader.

The spit entity must belong to a llama to practice harm, meaning that the spit summoned past commands does no damage. Llama spit can be deflected if hitting by the player.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]

Llamas do non assault a player/mob if they attacked another llama.

Taming [ ]

Llamas tin can be tamed by repetitively riding them until hearts are displayed, done past pressing use on the llama while holding nothing.

Taming success depends on the llama's Temper NBT. Temper is a positive trait, with higher values increasing the adventure of successful taming. Llamas begin with a Temper value of 0 and a maximum of 100. When a player rides an untamed llama, a random number from 0 to 99 is chosen. The llama gets tamed successfully if this number is less than the Temper value, otherwise, the Temper is increased by 5 and the role player is bucked off. Temper tin also be increased past feeding the llama.

Unlike whatever other tamed fauna, tamed llamas can still retaliate at players should the histrion hit them.

If a player kills a wandering trader and stays away from the trader llamas for a while, the llamas are tame when the player rides it, and the player can identify carpets on the llama.

Naturally spawned trader llamas are untamed and cannot be ridden while beingness led past their wandering trader. If unleashed, they get tamable‌[ Java Edition merely ] or tamed.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]

In Java Edition, tamed trader llamas do non despawn.

Like all tame animals, a death bulletin is displayed to a tamed llama'south possessor if information technology is killed.

Tamed llamas practise not spit at mobs that attack its possessor, although it spits at whatever mob that attacks the llama.

Breeding [ ]

Tamed llamas can be bred past being fed 1–3 hay bales. Both parents must be tamed before they can breed.

The cria (as a baby llama is called) takes on the appearance of one parent randomly. Its forcefulness is called every bit a random integer between 1 and the force of the stronger parent, inclusive. 3% of the fourth dimension the resulting force is increased by 1, simply it is capped at 5.

Trader llamas cannot breed in Bedrock Edition. When two trader llamas are bred in Java Edition, the cria offspring wears a baby-sized, trader-way carpet.

Stronger parent's strength

Offspring's strength
1 ii iii 4 v
1 97% 3%
ii 48.5% 50% i.5%
3 32.33% 33.33% 33.33% one%
4 24.25% 25% 25% 25% 0.75%
5 nineteen.iv% 20% 20% 20% 20.6%

Select a row based on the stronger parent. The column shows the probability of the resulting offspring having a given strength.

A llama's base health (15 to xxx hitpoints) is calculated based on that of its parents, in the same way as a horse's.

Llamas brood in the vicinity if they are on a atomic number 82. Although one of the llamas may not respond to being fed correct away; they take a hay bale/bale(southward) if needed to breed. This can event in consumption from ane to 3 hay bales.

Food [ ]

Feeding a llama food can modify its beliefs, restoring lost health or making a baby abound faster (babies normally take around 20 minutes to mature to adults). The table beneath lists the effects of the 2 nutrient items llamas accept.

To feed a llama, hold a valid food item and press employ while facing the llama. Llamas can be fed only when feeding would have an effect, similar to other animals. If the food is invalid, the player mounts the llama instead.

Food Heals Speeds growth by Increases temper by Notes
Wheat 2 ♥ 10 sec +3
Hay Bale ten ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 1:30 minutes +6 Activates love mode in tamed llamas.

H2o [ ]

Llamas practice not drown. They float when in water deeper than 2 blocks.

Sounds [ ]

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation cardinal Volume Pitch Attenuation
Llama bleats ? ? entity.llama.ambience subtitles.entity.llama.ambient ? ? sixteen
Llama bleats angrily ? ? entity.llama.angry subtitles.entity.llama.angry ? ? sixteen
Llama Chest equips ? ? entity.llama.chest subtitles.entity.llama.chest ? ? 16
Llama dies ? ? entity.llama.death subtitles.entity.llama.death ? ? 16
Llama eats ? ? ? ? xvi
Llama hurts ? ? entity.llama.injure subtitles.entity.llama.hurt ? ? 16
Llama spits ? ? entity.llama.spit subtitles.entity.llama.spit ? ? 16
Llama steps ? ? entity.llama.stride subtitles.entity.llama.step ? ? sixteen
Llama is decorated ? ? entity.llama.swag subtitles.entity.llama.swag ? ? 16

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Identifier Translation primal
Llama llama entity.minecraft.llama
Trader Llama trader_llama entity.minecraft.trader_llama
Llama Spit llama_spit entity.minecraft.llama_spit

Bedrock Edition:

Proper noun Identifier Numeric ID Translation key
Llama llama 29
Llama Spit llama_spit 102

Entity data [ ]

Coffee Edition:

Llamas have entity information associated with them that incorporate various backdrop.

  • Entity data
    •  Bred: 1 or 0 (true/false) - Unknown. Remains 0 after convenance. If truthful, causes information technology to stay well-nigh other llamas with this flag prepare.
    •  ChestedHorse: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the llama has chests.
    •  DecorItem: The particular the llama is wearing, without the Slot tag. Typically a carpet.
    •  DespawnDelay: A timer for trader llamas to despawn, present only in trader_llama. The trader llama despawns when this value reaches 0.
    •  EatingHaystack: ane or 0 (truthful/false) - true if grazing.
    •  Items: List of items. Exists just if ChestedHorse is true.
      • An item, including the Slot tag.
    •  Owner: The UUID of the player that tamed the llama, stored equally 4 ints. Has no effect on beliefs. Does not be if there is no possessor.
    •  Variant: The variant of the llama. 0 = Creamy, one = White, 2 = Brown, 3 = Grayness.
    •  Force: Ranges from one to v, defaults to 3. Determines the number of items the llama tin can behave (items = 3 × strength). Likewise increases the tendency of wolves to run away when attacked by llama spit. Strengths 4 and v ever causes a wolf to abscond.
    •  Tame: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the llama is tamed.
    •  Temper: Ranges from 0 to 100; increases with feeding. College values make a llama easier to tame.

Llama spit have entity data associated with them that incorporate various properties.

  • Entity information

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.

Achievements [ ]

Icon Accomplishment In-game description Bodily requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
Then I Got That Going for Me Pb a Caravan containing at to the lowest degree 5 Llamas 20G Bronze

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png The Parrots and the Bats
Brood two animals together Husbandry Breed a pair of any of these 23 mobs:
  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • Cat
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Ass
  • Fox
  • Frog
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Equus caballus
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Squealer
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Trader Llama
  • Turtle
  • Wolf
A mule must be the consequence of convenance a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if whatever, tin be bred, merely are ignored for this advancement.
Advancement-plain-raw.png Best Friends Forever
Tame an animal Husbandry Tame one of these tameable mobs:
  • Cat
  • Ass
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Mule
  • Parrot
  • Trader Llama
  • Wolf
Advancement-fancy-raw.png 2 by Two
Breed all the animals! The Parrots and the Bats Breed a pair of each of these 22 mobs:
  • Axolotl
  • Bee
  • True cat
  • Chicken
  • Moo-cow
  • Donkey
  • Fox
  • Frog
  • Goat
  • Hoglin
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Mooshroom
  • Mule
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep
  • Strider
  • Turtle
  • Wolf
A trader llama does non count every bit a llama, and a mule must be the result of convenance a equus caballus and a donkey for this advocacy every bit they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if whatsoever, tin be bred, but are ignored for this advancement.

History [ ]

July 26, 2016 Jeb hosts a poll on Twitter, with the selection of llamas or alpacas. The final results gave favor (58%) to llamas. Alpacas had a 42%.
Coffee Edition
1.11 16w39a Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Creamy Llama with Chest Revision 1.png White Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Yellow Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Light Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png White Llama Revision 1.png White Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Orange Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Lime Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Cyan Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Green Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Magenta Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Pink Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Purple Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Red Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Light Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Black Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Added llamas.
Baby Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Baby White Llama Revision 1.png Baby Brown Llama Revision 1.png Baby Gray Llama Revision 1.png Added baby llamas.
16w39b The drops of llamas are now affected by the Annexation enchantment.
16w41a The spawn rate of llamas has been drastically reduced.
Llama spit now has an entity id: llama_spit.
1.xiv 18w43a Creamy Llama.png Creamy Llama with Chest.png White Carpeted Llama.png Yellow Carpeted Llama.png Light Gray Carpeted Llama.png Brown Carpeted Llama.png White Llama.png White Llama with Chest.png Orange Carpeted Llama.png Lime Carpeted Llama.png Cyan Carpeted Llama.png Green Carpeted Llama.png Brown Llama.png Brown Llama with Chest.png Magenta Carpeted Llama.png Pink Carpeted Llama.png Purple Carpeted Llama.png Red Carpeted Llama.png Gray Llama.png Gray Llama with Chest.png Light Blue Carpeted Llama.png Gray Carpeted Llama.png Blue Carpeted Llama.png Black Carpeted Llama.png The textures of llamas have been inverse.
Baby Creamy Llama.png Baby White Llama.png Baby Brown Llama.png Baby Gray Llama.png The textures of baby llamas have been inverse.
19w05a Creamy Trader Llama.png White Trader Llama.png Brown Trader Llama.png Gray Trader Llama.png
Baby Creamy Trader Llama.png Baby White Trader Llama.png Baby Brown Trader Llama.png Baby Gray Trader Llama.png Added trader llamas, which spawn with wandering traders.
1.sixteen 20w15a Dispensers can at present put carpets and chests on tamed llamas.
1.17 21w20a Llamas no longer spit at players in peaceful mode.
ane.18 experimental snapshot 6 Llamas now follow players that are belongings hay bales.
1.19 22w17a Changed all variants' chest texture, to employ the chest texture since the texture update.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0 alpha Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Creamy Llama with Chest Revision 1.png White Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Yellow Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Light Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png White Llama Revision 1.png White Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Orange Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Lime Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Cyan Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Green Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Magenta Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Pink Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Purple Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Red Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Light Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Black Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Added llamas.
Baby Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Baby White Llama Revision 1.png Baby Brown Llama Revision 1.png Baby Gray Llama Revision 1.png Added baby llamas.
Bedrock Edition
i.10.0 beta Creamy Llama.png Creamy Llama with Chest.png White Carpeted Llama.png Yellow Carpeted Llama.png Light Gray Carpeted Llama.png Brown Carpeted Llama.png White Llama.png White Llama with Chest.png Orange Carpeted Llama.png Lime Carpeted Llama.png Cyan Carpeted Llama.png Green Carpeted Llama.png Brown Llama.png Brown Llama with Chest.png Magenta Carpeted Llama.png Pink Carpeted Llama.png Purple Carpeted Llama.png Red Carpeted Llama.png Gray Llama.png Gray Llama with Chest.png Light Blue Carpeted Llama.png Gray Carpeted Llama.png Blue Carpeted Llama.png Black Carpeted Llama.png The textures of llamas have been changed.
Baby Creamy Llama.png Baby White Llama.png Baby Brown Llama.png Baby Gray Llama.png The textures of baby llamas have been inverse.
Creamy Trader Llama.png White Trader Llama.png Brown Trader Llama.png Gray Trader Llama.png Added trader llamas, which spawn with wandering traders.
one.xi.0 beta i.11.0.3 Trader llamas are at present hostile to mobs that attack wandering traders.
Trader llamas at present always spawn as adult llamas.
Trader llamas can no longer breed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU54 CU44 one.52 Patch 24 one.0.4 Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Creamy Llama with Chest Revision 1.png White Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Yellow Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Light Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png White Llama Revision 1.png White Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Orange Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Lime Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Cyan Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Green Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Magenta Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Pink Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Purple Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Red Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Light Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Black Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Added llamas.
Baby Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Baby White Llama Revision 1.png Baby Brown Llama Revision 1.png Baby Gray Llama Revision 1.png Added baby llamas.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
one.9.19 Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Creamy Llama with Chest Revision 1.png White Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Yellow Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Light Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png White Llama Revision 1.png White Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Orange Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Lime Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Cyan Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Green Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama Revision 1.png Brown Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Magenta Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Pink Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Purple Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Red Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama Revision 1.png Gray Llama with Chest Revision 1.png Light Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Gray Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Blue Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Black Carpeted Llama Revision 1.png Added llamas.
Baby Creamy Llama Revision 1.png Baby White Llama Revision 1.png Baby Brown Llama Revision 1.png Baby Gray Llama Revision 1.png Added baby llamas.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Llama" or "Trader Llama" are maintained on the problems tracker. Report issues at that place.

Trivia [ ]

  • The accomplishment championship refers to the 1980 one-act movie Caddyshack, where Bill Murray tells a story of how he once caddied for the Dalai Lama. In return, on his deathbed he expects to receive total consciousness, thus uttering the line "So I got that going for me".
  • Some carpets on llamas back represent certain mobs; a green carpet uses the face of the green creeper, while a majestic carpeting gains eyes like those of an enderman. A llama wearing a gray carpeting has a mask, similar to that of a superhero or a bandit.

Gallery [ ]

Screenshots [ ]

Carpet and Chest

In other media [ ]

References [ ]

  1. MC-107643

How Do You Ride A Llama In Minecraft,


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