
How to use the Microsoft Teams admin center

How to use the Microsoft Teams admin eye

Our step-past-step guide reveals how to use the Microsoft Teams admin center

Microsoft Teams

(Paradigm: © Shutterstock / monitcello)

For individuals using Microsoft Teams infrequently to chat with friends, or fifty-fifty sole traders that do a minimal amount of online collaboration , there may be little configuration of the platform required.

Even so, if you lot are a business user that has had to rely on Microsoft Teams more and more over the last ii years for the productivity benefits that the video conferencing tool provides, then yous may need to tinker with its setting from time to time.

If that's the case, and so it'south quite probable that you'll do good from accessing the Microsoft Teams admin heart. Of course, you lot'll need access to the Microsoft Teams admin account - for either a Global Administrator or a Teams Ambassador - so brand sure y'all have those credentials to paw. If you do, accessing the admin eye is relatively straightforward. There are two dissimilar routes you can take.

The first involves going through the Microsoft 365 admin centre.  Get-go of all, navigate to the Microsoft 365 Assistants portal. Make sure you take the details for your admin account. Enter the relevant credentials and click "sign in." Then, using the cavalcade on the left-paw side, open the Admin Centers section. Ringlet down and you'll see an option for "Teams."

If you want to admission the Microsoft Teams admin center direct, there'due south some other route you have to take. Only sign in to Teams using your admin business relationship details to gain admission to the admin center. Although using either route to access the portal will give users access to similar tools, going directly through Teams does provide more options. Here are a few of the things you tin can do:

Step One: Access the Teams overview grid

Microsoft Teams admin center overview

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Your commencement port of call after accessing the Teams admin centre is likely to be the overview grid. In club to view it, select "Teams," followed by "Manage teams." The overview filigree displays a multitude of useful details, including the squad proper name, a count of all channels in the squad, (including the default General channel), a count of the total number of users, and Visibility/AccessType then y'all can manage your privacy controls.

In addition, the overview grid displays the condition for the particular team in question - whether archived or active - and a description of the backing Microsoft 365 group. These properties are hugely useful for administrators that want to improve the visibility and direction of their teams. If there are any metrics that you can't see, you may need to accommodate the columns on prove. To do this, click the "Edit" columns icon, toggle the columns yous want to view, and click "Apply."

Step Two: Control access

Microsoft Teams Guest Access

(Image credit: Microsoft)

There's been a lot of talk about how remote collaboration tools take introduced extra vulnerabilities into many corporate networks, but Teams does at least accept a mode to command access to the platform, which should aid minimize risks. In order to edit your admission settings, for either guest or external users, access the admin center and click "Users."

For external access, you can either add or block a domain. Simply enter the relevant domain name in the "Add a domain" pane, and click on the space bar to save the name. Select either "Allowed" or "Blocked" and click "Done."

In Teams, guest access is turned on past default but you can control this through sensitivity labels. You tin also plow invitee admission off completely, but this volition mean all existing guests will lose access to their team. This won't remove them from the team altogether, though, so they will yet be visible to the remaining team members.

Step Three: Plough on email integration

Microsoft Teams email integration

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Email integration may be something you want to consider to streamline your workplace collaboration. To plow on this feature, make sure that "Allow users to send emails to a channel electronic mail accost" is configured as "On". Adjacent, ensure that the domain corresponding to the sender'south e-mail accost isn't blocked in the admin center's organisation-wide settings. In one case this all prepare up, Teams users can send emails to whatever channel bellonging to a team they own or whatever channel that has connectors turned on for squad members.

Step Four: Institute custom messaging policies

Microsoft Teams messaging policies

(Image credit: Microsoft)

In the Teams admin middle, you tin also establish custom messaging policies to control the chat admin channel features that are attainable to your users. In order to set up a customer messaging policy, click on "Teams policies" in the left-hand corner of the admin center and click "Add." Then, you'll be asked to enter a proper name and clarification for your new policy.

Yous tin can assign policies to individual users or groups (providing the policy is supported by this group). Policy settings that can be customized include: bulletin deletion, read receipts, URL previews, message translation, and much more besides.

Stride 5: Configure your upgrade settings

Microsoft Teams admin upgrade

(Paradigm credit: Microsoft)

Microsoft recently announced that it was encouraging all users of Skype for Business to upgrade to Microsoft Teams. In the admin center, it is possible to manage how this is achieved. For example, at that place's a "Coexistence" option, which tin can be customized in various means.

Upgrading can be a difficult process, so it's of import for businesses to understand how Skype for Business and Teams tin coexist, when and how they interoperate, and how to manage user migration to minimize disruption.

Footstep Half-dozen: Manage your apps

Microsoft Teams App Management

(Image credit: Microsoft)

On the "Manage apps" folio in the admin heart, it is possible for administrators to view and manage all Teams apps for their organization. Admins will be able to view all the bachelor apps and tin can gear up policies effectually permissions, setup, settings and customization.

One of the nearly useful features of the "Manage apps" page is simply getting an overview of all your apps. This provides a wealth of information, including the app proper name, certifications, publisher proper name, and licenses. With the admin center, there is never a reason to be unaware of annihilation going on with your Teams business relationship.


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