
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 5 Review: Rewind

Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 5

This Agents of SHIELD review contains spoilers.

Agents of SHIELD Season five Episode 5

When Marvel'south Agents of SHIELD premiered for its 5th flavour, you could hear fandom crying, "Hey, were is Fitz?!" After all, all of the agents, including Fitz's beloved Simmons, were shunted into the far future to confront down a dystopian Kree nightmare. But Fitz'southward absenteeism was obvious and palpable and you merely knew at that place was going to be ane hell of an explanation to exactly where Fitz was while his friends struggled to survive against Kree slave masters and a creepy blue chick with deadly assurance.

Well, this week'southward episode answers those questions as Agents of SHIELD mines its at present rich history to evangelize an absolutely killer episode that answers all our Fitz related questions. The episode entitled "Rewind" does just that as we are taken back to that fateful moment where the agents are abducted from the diner.

At that place, we learn more about that foreign bald dude that keeps spare sets of skin lying around. Recall him? Yes, not but does that guy take some altruistic motives, he as well has some importance to Marvel Comics history. We'll become to that in a moment.

As for Fitz, if you'll retrieve, Fitz and the other agents were wanted because an LMD of Daisy shot General Talbot in the head. Correct before they went to the diner on that fateful twenty-four hours, Coulson and company knew they would soon be arrested. Of class, they couldn't have known that they would exist abducted and sent to the time to come past a third party.

All but Fitz that is. Fitz is not taken by that baldheaded guy or his coiffure, but he is arrested past the United states government for the shooting of Talbot and the murder of Jeff Mace. Remember, Fitz killed Mace in the Framework, and the brilliant scientist is not over the guilt of his evil turn in that bogus reality.

But in this reality, Fitz is obsessed with finding Simmons and the balance of his friends. Let's have a moment to doff our caps to Agents of SHIELD . Information technology seems that every season, there is a cardinal storyline of Fitz and Simmons being separated. So far, they take been separated past HYDRA, by light years of space, and by Fitz's astringent head injury.

Now, they are separated past time, but even though the series continuously travels downwards this road, it hasn't gotten old yet. This speaks to the absolute compelling nature of the love between Fitz and Simmons. No matter what, their love endures. Information technology'southward all very Amy and Rory Pond- even the accents are correct, but you have to be impressed that the series keeps this well-traveled story road smooth and never dull

Anyway, while in prison, Fitz works on finding his friends. He besides sends out a message to an old friend via letters to a British football game magazine. That quondam friend happens to exist Amanuensis Hunter who makes his triumphant render this week to bust Fitz out of prison and helps him find the missing agents. I would totally watch a weekly Hunter and Fitz buddy comedy every week because those ii are a hoot and a half.

Together, they track the van that was used to abduct Fitz's SHIELD pals and discovers that the aforementioned bald dude was a centuries one-time Recorder sent by an alien race to detect humanity. You take to believe that this is the Lee and Kirby created Recorder, a character introduced in the late Argent Historic period in the pages of Thor (nosotros'll go to him in our Marvel Moments).

On the run, Hunter, Fitz, and the Recorder notice another old friend, the little Inhuman daughter named Robin from a few seasons back. If you remember, Robin's begetter had the Inhuman power to see the moment of a person'southward expiry. Daisy saved Robin, but nosotros never acquire what her powers were. This week, we find that Robin is a precog and knows that Daisy will destroy the Globe. With Robin's assist, Fitz is able to bust back into the aforementioned military instillation he bused out of earlier in the episode and put himself in a cryogenic freeze. So now you know how Fitz shows upward on the future and man, was information technology a fun journeying to get there.

It is also so good to come across Hunter again. Since ABC passed on picking up Curiosity'southward Almost Wanted, the serial that was supposed to star Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter, Hunter's absence (not to mention Bobbi's) has been an unscratched Marvel crawling for well over a year at present. Of class, Adrianne Palicki has been killing it on The Orville, but we haven't had our Nick Blood fix in a long time.

We do get an update on Bobbi and Hunter'due south on again off again relationship, and it seems like it is mostly on (or maybe not, like all things involving the dear betwixt Hunter and Morse, it's all kind of confusing). Plus, Agents of SHIELD finds a purpose for Hunter and Morse once again as Hunter agrees to assist baby-sit Robin afterward Fitz goes into his cryo-freeze. I'yard guessing we won't see Bobbi and Hunter anytime shortly, merely it'south nice to know they are nonetheless fighting the good fight in the MCU.

Only we are left with tons of questions when Fitz wakes upwardly to the futurity (with all of his friends' signature weapons). Fitz is with the Recorder in the hereafter, but what is his plan to get his friends dorsum home? Why did the Recorder ship the agents to that detail fourth dimension and if the agents do return home, how volition they prevent Daisy from becoming the Destroyer of Worlds?

Nosotros have all these answers to look forward to in the New Year as this calendar week's Agents of SHIELD closes out 2017 for the Curiosity Cinematic Universe. We saw Spider-Man's Homecoming, the return of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ragnarok unleashed, the coming of Iron Fist and the Defenders along with Frank Castle kicking some major ass, and lots of Inhumans wandering around Hawaii. There were ups and downs, but with Fitz's tale finally told, we cease Marvel'south 2017 on a very high annotation.

Marvel Moments

The first Recorder first appeared in Thor #132 (1966) and was created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. The Recorders are a serial of androids built by an alien race known as the Rigellians. The Recorder are built to record (duh) important events in the galaxy for their Rigellian masters to analyze. The first Recorder was sent with Thor when the God of Thunder first explored some other dimension known as the Black Milky way and when the Recorder was to accept its memory wiped, Thor convinced the aliens that the android was not sentient and should exist left alone.  With the spacefaring activity of Thor Ragnarok and the introduction of the Recorder, it seems similar the MCU is getting tons of mileage of Thor'southward late Silver Age catholic adventures. Which is a very proficient thing because those catholic Kirby joints are some of the most trippy and imaginative books of the 1960s.


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